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What is True HEPA?

date:2016-10-31  click:112  editer:filtech air filter

What is True HEPA?

HEPA is an acronym for "High Efficiency Particulate Air" or "High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance." This acronym refers to a filter that is manufactured, tested, certified, and labeled in accordance with current HEPA filter standards. There are several sub-classes within the HEPA classification. The minimum HEPA category requires the filter to capture 99.97% of the 0.3-micron (0.000012-inch) particles in the air passing through the filter.

Manufacturing a filter with HEPA filter media does not mean that the filter itself meets true HEPA efficiency requirements. Significant filter leakage can go undetected if filters are not individually tested and certified at the end of the manufacturing process. Even the tiniest pinhole leaks in the media or breach of the seal between the media pack and the filter frame can compromise the efficiency of the filter and cause it to fall below HEPA standards. Testing the completed filter in accordance with recognized industry standards is the only way to ensure the performance and integrity of that filter.

Unlike electrostatically-charged air filters and other technologies that experience substantial loss of efficiency as they become dirty, exactly the opposite typically happens with HEPA filters. The dirtier a HEPA filter gets, the more efficient it can become.

Periodic testing (every 6 to 12 months) and testing whenever the HEPA filter is replaced are essential to ensuring that a HEPA filtration device continues to provide true HEPA efficiency. CDC Guidelines recommend such periodic testing and it is commonly required by facilities as well. It should also be noted that HEPA filters can begin to break down over time. Replacement every two years is highly recommended, even if the device is not used.


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